Friday, February 26, 2010

Missão Goodwill - Sacolas da Esperança

Goodwill Rescue Mission, tem oferecido ajuda e esperança para a população urbana mais carente da região Norte do Estado de Nova Jersey. Eles tem providenciado ao longo dos anos alimentos para o Faminto e esperança para o Perdido. Parte desse trabalho e distribuir bolsas com items higiênicos para pessoas desabrigadas e que vivem nas ruas da região. Sabendo da importância desse trabalho, e do grande amor de Jesus por nossas vidas, o projeto Beyond Faith decidiu contribuir com doações para o projeto "CARREGANDO ESPERANÇA".

Ajude os desabrigados contribuindo com: Shampoo, condicionador, desodorante, creme dental, escova de dente, creme de barbear, barbeador descartavél, sabonete, meias, escova de cabelo, lencinho de papel, cordão de sapato, locão para o corpo, brilho para os lábios, produtos de higiene feminino, amostras de perfumes. Sua doação é mais importante do que você possa imaginar!
Nunca esqueça que uma demonstração de Amor vale mais do que mil palavras.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Helping HAITI

Beyond Faith Project has decided to donate the amount raised to LOVE A CHILD organization, instead of providing the medical supplies needed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Get Involved: Immediate Supplies Needed for Haiti Relief

We are stunned with the consequences left after the Earthquake hit in Port-au-Prince Haiti. We have known by now that many Humanitarian organizations are helping the Haitian people to relieve their pain and suffering.

Since getting HELP it's never enough, Beyond Faith Project decided to get involved and help people in Haiti through the LOVE A CHILD organization. They have done an AMAZING work to the Haitian people along the years. Take action and help someone in needy.

Large 5 gallon buckets with lids; Blankets; Sheets – used or new; Mats to lay on; Drapes; Bottled water; Non-perishable foods; Sandals or flip-flops; Toiletry sacks (containing a washcloth, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant); Large T-shirts; Small tents; Gauze – any size, but preferably 4X4; Dressings - sterile and unsterile; (Coban, Tegaderm, Steri-strip, Surgilast); Sutures; Neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment; Ace bandages (or anything specifically for wound care); Ibuprofen; Oral rehydration salts; Betadine wipes and sticks

Diclofenac – (injection and oral); Tylenol; Motrin; Multivitamins (children and adult); Zantac; Benadryl; Hypertension medications; Blood pressure medications; Cough medications; Anti-diarrheal; Antibiotics

Alcohol pads; Band-Aids; Blades – sterile only; Bulb syringes, stub adapter; no loose/single units; spinal
needles; Casting supplies; Compression stockings; Gloves: all sizes, sterile/non-sterile; Gowns – (surgical and patient, head & shoe covers; goggles, masks); IV supplies - tubing in sterile packages only; IV Serum
Needles – butterfly, angio catheter; Pediatric supplies; Scalpels; Splints – for legs, ankles and arms; Aponges - surgical only (includes X-ray detectable); Surgical towels- cloth/paper; Syringes; Tape - all types; Thermometers; Tongue depressors

Our donation will be send to:
Love A Child, Inc.

Attn: Mike Essman – Haiti
Earthquake Medical Donation
9304 Camden Field Parkway
Riverview, FL 33578-0520

Sunday, January 3, 2010

30 Hour Famine 2010

In partnership with World Vision we have signed up to a 30HOUR FAMINE campaing to fight against HUNGER around the WORLD.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

We would like to wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and to THANK YOU for your support in 2009.

We hope you can continue getting involved in 2010 and help us to fight against HUNGER and POVERTY around the WORLD.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Feliz Natal!

Gostaríamos de agradecer a contribuição dos nossos amigos, e informá-los que sua coontribuição através da campanhia "Comprando por uma causa", criamos uma oportunidade de oferecer 10 cestas de Natal para familias carentes no Brasil. Obrigado por contribuir e fazer do Natal destas familias, ESPECIAL!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Being a HERO

Are you a Hero? What does make somebody a HERO?
It’s amazing to me that it doesn’t take super powers for someone to be a HERO. Even an ordinary person, can become a HERO for somebody else. I got the chance to watch HEROS at CNN last Thursday night and I was overwhelming with all 2009 HEROS. Please I would like to invite you to enjoy this special moment and to see the amazing work done through someone, who has taken the decision to help somebody else life and change the WORLD from their own experience.

Let's make HEROS in 2010 around our communities and help to change the WORLD. It just starts with you!